We’ll bring our machinery directly to you to help you decide what your shop needs.
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Increase your efficiency to take on more jobs and grow your business. See our machinery in action and test cut your material without even leaving your place of business.
Whether you're looking to improve accuracy, expand production, or fabricate custom parts our factory representatives can help you find the right product or process for your needs.
Request your FREE on-site demo by filling out this form and we'll be in touch.
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John Doe | Fabrication Shop
John Doe | Fabrication Shop
John Doe | Fabrication Shop

Andrew Petty | Petty Welding
Knoxville, TN
Christian Sosa | Sosa Metalworks
Birdman The Welder
Justin | Make Studios
Lee Smith | EXP Fabrication
Justing, TX
Brian Reaume | Bennic Machine Inc.
John DeNoma II
Bryce MacKinnon
| Dan Walter Enterprises, LLC
Rozet, WY
Ron Scouton | Spokane Transit Authority
Spokane, WA
Tim Smith | Tim Smith Custom Service
Dan Walker | Dan Walker Ent. LLC
Since purchasing my first cold saw manufactured by Scotchman, things have been extremely better in my shop. Our cutting accuracy and cutting productivity have greatly increased. Two reason why we purchased a Scotchman over other like machines:
#1 - Our local dealer worked 100% to provide a better machine at a comparable price. During these tough economic times, this was a big plus.
#2 - This machine is manufactured in the USA! This was a double plus!
Greg Madison | Greg Madison Welding, Inc.
Louisa, VA
Mike Jackson | Mike Jack Co.
Jamaica, NY
Ed Cook | Midsouth Community College
Lonnie Jensen | Jensen & Sons Ironworks
Daniel Threeton
Bob Lechner | ConSep Tec LLC
Roger Kremers | ROKS Custom Electronics & Fabrication LLC
Corey Biggers | Rocky Mountain Truck Center / Elite Kubota LLC
Travis Nelson | Ringing Anvil Forge
Jim Bridwell | Ozarks Tech Community College
We've had many years of reliability with our Scotchman Cold Saw, 20 years to be exact. Its a workhorse and we love it!